To start it off . . . Adopt a dog or cat from a shelter in January and K-9 Disaster Relief will make a donation to your shelter for the first 25 adoptions ~ TWEET YOUR PHOTO ~ for the #K9ActsOfKindness Tag Board
Animals are a great way to help others . . . here are some ideas to get started:
- Let a child pet your animal
- Send us a photo doing something good
- Give your dog a bath
- Do something nice for your pet
- Take your dog for a special walk
- Visit a hospital
- Visit a nursing home
- Walk a neighbors pet that need assistance
- Buy a pet toy and give it to someone who does good deeds in the community
- Visit an Animal Shelter
- Rescue a pet
- Make a donation to a pet related charity
- Adopt a shelter pet
- As your vet if you can volunteer
- Help pay for some pet medical bills
- Contact non-profit organizations like the Salvation Army or Red Cross to volunteer with your pet
- Help and elderly neighbor
- Visit a veterans hospital
- Take your pet to a Hospice hospital
- Do any good deed in honor of a pet
- Make a drawing, take a pet photo or write a note and give to a special person.
- Take a photo of your pet doing any Act of Kindness
- Be an organ donor or donate blood in memory of a person or pet
- By a gift card a your local pet store and give it to someone who deserves your kind gesture
- Volunteer at any disaster relief organization in your community
- Fundraise for a good cause
- Think of another way
LATEST #K9ActsOfKindness on our Tag Board